The brief was to create a memorable client and staff experience. This is achieved from the first moment of entering the space through s every sensory element – smells, sounds, sights, touch, balance, movement and curiosity. The dramatic stair invites both the team and clients to engage their senses in an honest and visceral way.
The Assembly enables the breakdown of barriers – a common issue of many law firms – to allow the team and clients to interact in a more informal way. The space appears as an activated social plaza, representing a true ‘civic heart’ of the project.
The Assembly space also helps in facilitating cross-pollination within the business. The Assembly floor encourages the breakdown of barriers, allowing different teams to overlap with clients informally, blurring hospitality and workplace principles into one shared space. It successfully draws on hospitality influences with layered zoning and breakout spots that bring cross-disciplinary teams together for incidental collaboration.